تابع راديو الشمس

قطط تتحول الى قراصنة

قطط تتحول الى قراصنة

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مجموعة من الصور الطريفة  لبعض القطط وهي ترتدي زي قرصان البحر المخيف ورغم ذلك فلن يخاف منها احد سوى الفأر الذي بدأ يتمرد عليها هذه الايام

Ahoy me hearties! This silver kitty showed off his Jolly Roger pirate hat while taking command of the sofa and the look in his eye shows hes the captain of this couch

Aarrrgghhh! The kittens have managed to change their meows to aarrggghhs in their attempt to become pirates

Aarrrgghhh! The kittens have managed to change their meows to aarrggghhs in their attempt to become pirates 

Three legged puss: This pirate cat was left with a wooden leg after fighting enemies at sea... well, perhaps more of a loo roll leg than a wooden one 

Who are you looking at? This kitty seems unsure of his costume, despite his impressive costume and well grown pirates beard  

Shiver me timbers! These kittens look surprised at how good they look in their new costumes

Shiver me timbers! These kittens look surprised at how good they look in their new costumes 

Thats one big claw! This kitten was snapped sporting a hook for a paw, which is sure to cause a lot more damage that his usual claw 

Angry pirates: Don	 mess with these fierce buccaneers, theyll make you walk the plank straight away

Angry pirates: Don	 mess with these fierce buccaneers, theyll make you walk the plank straight away 

Is this an audition for Kittens of the Caribbean? This moggy is hoping for a role in a new instalment of the Disney pirates franchise 

Do you like my hat? These sly cats show off their pirate accessories as they pose for the camera

Do you like my hat? These sly cats show off their pirate accessories as they pose for the camera 

Careful, you might end up being lunch! A parrot sits on this pirates tail, but could soon become a meal for the kitty

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